stands. - Alain Zanchetta

'oP!SJOqlooql lOj so,om luonbosqns o~em 01 no" lood,o II!'" pue;iu!"e,d uooq 0'B4 ... Iuouoddo oql SOlew~.oq.op! .... grid,~leWn~(; cn,a map:"~rf eX"'\1pl~.",al'th.
2MB taille 7 téléchargements 368 vues
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I 1

,.(e) Press the ~ey that carries the correcl letter for the "ta" square. ' (f) Press tlie key that carries the number fOf"this square. . For example, if you are moving the pawn in front of y'o'urqueen two squares forward, you want to indicate 10 the computer that you are moving this pawnfrom Ihe, D2 square /0 the D4 square. First press thekey marked D4, to identify the letter D as being the letter parLof the from square (D2). You will now see the letter d displayed in the firsl place on the LCD. Nexi press the key marked B2, to identify the number 2 as belng the number part of the D2 square, and you will see the number 2appear in the second'partOfthe LCD. '~


r".' I,

5.3, Playlng Black

ce, ~ "

the letter

D as being the letter


5.4.' The computer's move.



will be shown

on ,he LCD

'oP!S JOqlooql lOj so,om luonbosqns o~em 01 no" lood,o II!'" pue;iu!"e,d uooq 0'B4 no" OP!Soql lO'O o~el U041,II!"; O~::>IW l.iDI::>Od . oql. 'o,om JOo" iu!~em .10 peOISU!"o~ OW oql ssOld 'jolndmo. 041 41!'" SOp!Soiue4' 01 4S!'" no" .11




6.1. Captures You make a caplure in the same way as any other move by keying in the "fram" and "10" squares of the eapturing piece, and pressing EN, Similarly, If ,he computer makes a cap,ure it will jndieale Ihe "fram" "nd "ta" square, 'in the usual way~'When the eaptured piece Is removed from the chessboard, i( can be put in the drawer.The top of the drawer s/ides forward as indicated on the unil.


S3aJS aNIDNVH::> '6


.louuem .



oql UI O'OW ,eio, e iupoluo




'uoonb e 01 pOlomoJd iUl"q S!u"'ed S!ql leq) s:iwnsse O~::>IW1.3)!::>Od oql 'pJeoq 'oql Ja puo s,luouoddo oql 01 u",ed BS.,uB'pe °p!Sl0411Ojl sU"Bd JO UOIIOWOJd't'9


."e", Jensnoql ul pleoq .pouiew oql uo ~OOlpue iUI~ .10SOAOW oql o~ew 'AIUOiu!~ oql JOJ,0Jenbs "al" pue "WOlj" oql 0IBOlpU!II!'" I! '8u!llseo SI lOlnd,uoo oql J! ',(llel!wIS'


OnU!luo::>'"e,ds!p oql Wal.! pOleop oq II!'" o'ow JOo,( 'pue '(zznq IInp 'iuo,e) "euils JOJl., oql le041I!'" no" 'N3 ssold uoql pue 'leioll! S!leql O'OWe U!"o~ nO,(JI 'lOql!Oosop 01no,( IIWlOd10UII!'"pue 'o'om leioll! ue o~ewl.'oUII!'" m!::>IV'JJ.3)!::)Od DNI)! SS3H::) oql. S3AOW'IV93'1'1J."L


"'B,d'IP oql UO"OUI 011101 (#) ui!s ,olew, oql puodde II!'" pue 'dooq ellxo ue o,!i II!AIlOlndill05' oql 'iu!~ ',Iuouoddo oql SOlew~.oq.op!S lOql'O .11 oIBm~ooq:> :9'9 .( +) ui!s .~.oqo, oql ,(q '"e,dslp oql uo 'pole.!p~! ..q II!'" o,om SI!'~'O'I' U!iu,~ lnoA s.lnd mndmoo oqU( ~ooq::> 'S'9

'ooloq. JOo" .10o,om oql iUlJOIUO"1100HOO "q OnU!luo. ue. no" pue '(L uop,oS U!SB)pOleop oq UO'jlll!'" "e,ds!p oql. '3::> pO~JewAO~oql SSOJdPlnOljs no" u041- N3 possOld 10A I,uo,eq pue 'lie loue ,(e,d 01 lau °PI'OP no" 40!'I'" o,om e ui po,(o~o',no" .I! lO -Iuopp.e ,(q ,(o~ iUOJ'" B pOSSOldo',no,( .11 S3AOWaNJON3WV '8

s,~.el!f'O~ew Ot Ole nOA .11dOI oql le pue 'Ol14M JOj o,ow IXOUoql o~ew 01 no" iupoodxo S! lOlndillo. oql .I! wOl1oq oq11e Ole ,oqs;,p oqJ. 'POI"OP S! o,om lno,( uoq'" ,(e,ds!p oql UD UIBWOl soqsep lnoJ leql OAlO'qO

.L '9


'POiOldwoosI O'Oui lno" pue 'N3 ssold uoql :O'OWs,3up/oql lOj sOlBnbs "al" pt!e "WOlj" oql U! ,(o~ 'OlISB.01 qS!'" no,( .11' iUIII.B:> 't'9 'pleoqoql

nlOJj u",ed pOJßlde.

oql O'OWOJ OilOilOj


I,.uoa '(,Iouldwo. oql ,(q) ,(lIeollewome pOle'lpu! Ja '(noA Aq)'sAo~oql ql!'" vomuo OJeu",ed iU!Jnldeo oquo sOlenbs "01,, pue "WOlj" oqJ. 'OJnlds.,o o'OW lOqlO "pe 0~!I Isnf po,pueq S! IUDSSDduo, oJnlde" V . IUDsmdU. .olnldB. u"Bd '.'9


the lette,


'O'OW po,(eldslP oql 01 (=) uilS ,MV~a, oql puodde II!'" pue 'dooq ellXo ue o'li 111'" lo)ndwoo oql 'Iuouoddo oql SOlewo,elS°PIS loqll°'JI ;po"ejd o,om ,,'O'O lOlje "O~OW oql ssold '.IPSI! ISU!Bieomei Ol!lUOue "eid 01 mndwoo oql 0~!I Plno", no" .11'o~!I no" se uOljo se omei e iupnp SOp!Soiueqo "em nOA


Be sure10 carry out Ihe computer's move correctly on Ihe magnetic board. You can then make your own next move as in Section 5.2.

I~ If:1.°wch~ck carefuUythat the mov,; recorded on the i'" I:hsp,~y IS the same as the one you have made On the o. magnetic board. (lf the display' iswrong, beeause you liave presseCia wrang key, press CE (Clear Entry) and k,; e9Jer'YQ~rmove again;.eompareSection 8). When the. ',,;' rlght move is displayed, press the key marked EN (Enler). The computer hss now registered your mov~; itwi)! conside".its reply and announce it as described in Seclion"5;4 (below).


When the computer is ready with its move, It will bee~ and the move

parI of the "to

time you press a key, the computer beeps,and di;ach ISPlaY S!he appropriate le tier or number o n the L CD. !1...i1\ , , , ,. , the !:I/!i',N, ter, you have keyed In the move just mentioned, i~, ,elsplay reads: d2d4.

""'.. ",

As lang as the POCKET MICRO Is computing Ihf neXi move, the display will merely show faint strake, fJashing quieklyon and off.

and number indicating 'he "from" square will be fa/. lowed by the letter and number for the "ta" square, in 'he same way as when a move has been' keyedinby you.

square, then the D4 key one more time, t'l indieate the number 4'as being the number part of the /0 square. YOu have n6w pressed keys correspondlng toD2D4.

..".;,.~,"" "... ""'~-.. -"'f'--d""'"

, "",


. Having entered thefrom square, you now wish to enter the /0 square. Press the D4 key again, this.timeto Indicate


I f you prefer 10p!ay with the b'ack pieces, press th. key marked MO (Move) to make Ihe compute commencc play. Then proceed to 'he nexi sectiOl (5.4).












5. "'MAKING MOVES Irength ands!",.d of !'Iay: j.JESS KjN8PQq 5.1. Notation



In order to tell the computer what moves you.~re' maki.~g, you n",ed to use chess algebraic not~}ip,;;;;'": that'S" whereby each squarc on the,chessbo~ra',isßesi~,nated 'by one letter and one number. Along the. left.hand edge of the maglletie board (viewing it from White's end), you will see a c61urnllof 'Ilumbers, from 1 to 8. There is a different number at the,end,of each rank-each horizontal row of 8 sqIlares. Similarly, the 8 fiJes- or vertical rows ofsquares"", are designated by the letters A-H, which are marked out acroSs the far elld of the board. Th




eaIlSI h ey"ry sq u~ r i.,1ft ;"t ' ,~car,!:>e

iQrP,t . . . . ... letteror its fil,eand ofits rallk, grid,~leWn~(; cn,a map:"~rf eX"'\1pl~.",al'th orthe game thewhite king occIlPlcs'the sgÜare ei the black'queenthe square dB.' ., ,

. .. .




. . .... the .llumBer

5.2. Playlng Whit. You will se/fliat the letters A-H and the numberi';'f0g are marked on 8 of the operating li'eys: These keys'ärr"

used for entering your moves illto the comput"r:S'' memory. Ir yöu hitve chosen to play Whitc againstthe compu~er!makeyour first moves as follows: (a) Ascehain the coi~"ct letter and Ilumbe, to iMicate' the square occupied by the"p;ece you want 10 move-thc "from" square. (bj'Press the key that canies the conespondillg letter. (c) Press the key that carries the number. (d) Now move your piece to its square of destination its "to" square-on the magnetic board.
