The Avalon Hill Game Gompany

arena and it is your decisions and your actions that will determine the result ... The type must be chosen before ... by a number, it means that coverage of the area is partial (see 9.22). If .... This does not preclude the possibility of the gladiator acquiring ... shaded hexes represent the three hex range of a Retarius with a net.
5MB taille 47 téléchargements 606 vues
1. INTRODÙCTIOI-_ ôZ,,lDl,4 fOR n a simularionin â gane formâi ot nan ro man combairn the arenasofancientRonc. The gane is playedby rùo or morc players,each conûolling one gladiaror,rhus providins rhe opponuniry for individual narched pairs as sell as reamcombar dependineon rhe nunber ôfp1aye6presenr.The gane prolidesatl iniornâtion ncce$aryto rsreale this spon' or rhe ancienrwond accurârelywùh all ol irsricario!s lhilh. Eâch sladiarorcôùnterrepresenlla sinslenan which is moled acrôs thc mapboard\ hexagonalgrid ac.ordingro rhe individual nolenent characterisrics or eachdiifercnr rypeor -sladiator.hach hexaeonrepresents iightingspacetrirhintheârenaapproxinaretyone yard wideand eachtùrn represents approximalelylorty sccords. Âhhough not a complerEan€ oncenaslercd,nany ot rbeconceptsin Gr,4Da,4roR reqùirepracrireând expcrience gainedonly throùghrepearedplay betorerhe padicipanrsritl ieetconaonabte

riih rhe gane systen.Therefore,ihc lr{ gane or rwo shôutdbe r r e a i e d a s a l e a i l i n g e x p e r i eanscoer ,r o i g l a d i a r ô i j a t l r a i n i n s s c h o o l il you Rill, àndresrricied lo simpte.ohbarsofmar.hed pair!. Larer, alier you're gainedexpcricnce*nhrhe synefr you canso o. ro lhe classiccontiontarionofdrcRerariusvsrhcshonswordorrcrncom peùtrons,and thc âddnionalrealisma.d compiexirythèy enran. orde6 for movenentarewrnrcr ror eâchetadiaroronacombar recordshccr.The gladiaro{ are rhen môvcd sjnutraneoùsty as Fer iresewritlerorde(. Carefulpla.ning,maneuvering, andanelcmcnr of lu.k ar€ neededro deledlyour opponenrand sin rhc Eane. The plalen asuùe the rolcs ôf rhe opp.singgtadialorsi.rr! are ri rhe arenaand ir strzrdecisions and:|rÛacrionsrhârwiI derermine rhè resùx,wnhlor. ganûg life" han8irgin thebatancc.Lcr rhesames

The Avalon Hill Game Gompany

]. GLADIATOR LOG SHEETA log sh..t nusl b. preparedlor cachSladiatorindic.tins bolh theorisinâlândcurr€niabilitiB of th. nd, hisequipnor. andrurnby-rurn(andphas.-by-phasc) insfucrio.s fo! nolenenr, .uack! and defcûse,Eâchsnæt t dividcdinto thc iollowing.âeBori.s, I N,4M8 Usea ficliliousnaoe or your own. It plays.o roleinrhe play ol the Ban. buI dæs add color, esp.ciâllyto the Canpdsn Cane wh€r.yourgladiâlort trd.ce becom€synonymouswilh the

BASIC GAME In rhe BasicCâhe*. wiu linit panicipâtionro natch.d paiB of sinilârly rrô.d sladialôrs.Rù a.d lrident usedb, thc Retariuseill b. pr6ert.d in theAdvancedCam. sction ol tberuls. 2 GAMECOMPONENTS_ 2,1 MAPBOARD: Th. napboard replesents a secljonofâ Roman ârma, and lormr the play'nglurfæ on which the 8!mc piees ar. placedândmaneùvered. Thêhqagônalgid pinted on rhenapb@rd û ùÈd to d.tcmine nov.ô€nri attack rang., and rh. relalivc positionorlh. combâtantswith rcsp€crto.ach otber. ,.2 UNIT COUNTERS: A sheetof die cul counrereis Drovided. Th.s. Dùnchour into two-sid.d sl.di.tor fisures which ar. nolnied inlo tbe pla3tic stands so ùar rhe, câ. be plaed erecron the napbo.rd. Each Bladiato. @untd hæ a front and a back ride vhich is easilydet.rûined by rhe inâse displ.r€d on rhal side of the @ùnr€r- In addnion, olhcr small.r squrc narkcrs a.€ providcd ro repres€rrvariousspecialoccutrenceswhich c& râkeplâcedurinsùe

2 IyPE Th. clasificariônôf sladiâror:.ith.r lbhr, m.diùn, or heavy.A R.tariùsis considercd a mediun gladiator,Thecla$ificatior d.lernin.s th.ùnorvorn, and cotr$qùcntlyth. spædof thc hân, Each play€! h fræ to choosethe typ€ of sladiarord€sned, alrhoùgh n is ù rhar â R.tdius vould oppos. doth.r R€rùius or rhata heavywouldopposeali8ht. Thc typcnustbcchoscnbefore rhc diæ lo dd.min. physical chùact.rinics 1i@ 7,/. t ID NUMBER: the ide ilyin8 nùhbù or rhe coùnt.r Bladiarorwhichserrcsto idenrifythegladiâtorùhich rcpresenrs.acb 4 MOVE: h. movemenrete of tbe gladiatorgiveni! ph6es per rùm, Thisd€p.nd!on rhclyD.ofsladi.ror. LishrsladirroAmov.\ir phas6 pcr lurn; n.diùm gladialorsDove fivephaÉs ps rurni and hevy elâdiatorsnovc lour phs6 per turn. An illutr.rion ol th. vùiour iargera..6 oi a 5 ,ODl'1If,4Sr

thc l, 2 and 3 reprcent hcavily ùoored sladiaro.s;4,5,ùd 6 ù. nediùn â.norcd sl.diators,snd7,8, ând9 are liShtlyâmored. Counl€rs10,ll, and 12repr*nt aspæial rypc of sladiator cau.d a Rerdli/s, 1.3 tOC PrDr Tnc vadour charæl.risti6, abilitid, and tù.n-bylurn âclionsof €achslsdialor ù. r€cord.don one of sbcels. Each gladiator ha his o*n Cladiâtor Los Shæt filted oùl b.foÉ th.

6 ARMOR: A Ela.liaror f,a! hav. various ttp* and anounc of ârdor ao.eachbodyâr.4. Usinsth.approp.iatearnortabl.foryour rypé of sl.diâror, roll on. die and ddtrdin. the 1yp6 .nd anoùnt of ar6o. for your sladiatorin allfiv. body ar.a, Ræord rheresùlrin th€ numb...d *aions ol th. Armor lisrin8s. Afrer ræordingrh€n oyn âmor r play.6 dây find il conv.nientto reord thcir oppon.nfs armorrdings aboverheiroM atuo!display asa hatulyrenind.r ollhe opposition'ssûensthsand sqlnc$6, For *h body .r€a, cilher soôe arûor (À, B or C quâlity)is Dr6.ot, or "-" no armo. is pr*nr, I f thearoor quliry is follow.d byanunb4, ii o€ansth.tcov.Âa. ol rh. trcâis pa iol 6ee9,22),11 no 8iv€n,cov.ras. i3 conpl€t€(100%), the Rclariusùs.s th. Mcdiun Clâdiâto. Armor Tablc,except rhata R.tariû ncvcrr€c.ivesa shi.ld. .The oppor.nt o f a R.rariùtis alwaysequippedwiih a sball shield,

!.4 AUaEBOOK. This [email protected] conrai.s all rules næcssarylor play 2.5 DlcE. Thrcesix{id.d dic. ar. Drovided. 2,6 SIX SI4NDSj Plilbl. pl$ric dcvi6 in vhich rhc Sladiarol counicrsarc irærtcd so they qar stÂrd.fæ1. 2.1 NOTINCLUDEDin$iss D., bur.e.ssry for play,is a p.ncil


LishrGlrdlrror^mor Trbl.





'o. J


l--c samw*glif



iËâFri6:lrÀ*. f&


M.dlumGl.diclor^mor Tlbl.




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ffiT-TrTT_Tl fT-TT-Tl rrTr-

n-rT-l-TtrI-rT-trrTt TTTtrrT-fT--

TrrT-TrtrT-TT_TrTl IT-TTTI r-T-frn






ç ::,'.:û'r' : crêÉm i4,"æ';iÈ:iÈ?Ei.k liltc 5 A C6 C1 81 ..,}r?.:^t;iÀ:idÉ,lmt**is.t33:*:a:1F.



fT'f't-n fT-rT--l TT N-N




TT-rrn Tr-n-n



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n o .r

Hnvy GlrUior lrbl. no,2




**&'w]#rsti*iùsrir*F.glm''r.i,.^ 1 PHYSICAL CHARACfERlSlrCSr Th€ nunb€rs rcprcscnting ics lhe man'sr.lali! for saen.ssenlialphysical chàracl.risl are The physic.lcharact.rislicsând abbrevia'


Sfength NF


Nct DetenseFacror

I o d e r e n ù n r ê r h c \ c D h ! r i c u L c h a r a c rncnr li ri is$o. d i r c s c p a r d r ù l ! o. rhe Char.drrnhc! chafl. Crô$ inde\ rhe fiBr nnd s e c o i dd i c r o l l \ o i r h a tc h r r r r o d e r c r m i nde/ / o l y o u r g l â d i n r o r ' ! phv{.al chârncrer(tl!s. the Conthdt I a.rt lh.rcater r.fefte.t ) as CFt i\ deti\td b\ addinErhe liaining, Sùcn8thand Agililf ratn,g\.Thù Nel D.lcnse | â . t n 6 d e r i ! c d b y n d d i n Ê r hlcr a i n i r g a n d A g i l i r y n r i n gNso. r c L h a r !ômc rarng\ arc acturll) ncSdi\e iùùbers âr! rherenrccould\cnc ro nrblrâcr from rh. roral Cl o. NF rarines rVhcnevcrâ gladidtor J l c ^ a l o s r o h n ^ s i l i 1 y . a l i 0 hCen N r c h r n ! c h i sN t ) a ù c o r d n r s l l ' . Sù.h adju!nrent !, rhc crr .rc nor ùrâd. lôr k^se\ ùf Srrcnsrhor

i r \ p l a c e I. h c s h i e l d i n u s c i \\ u b j . . r 1 od . n ' ! r c w h i . hi s . e c o r d codn { h c S h , c l d S r a r u \ D i s pbltaî r a r k i n ! o f l r h . n p p r o p i i Ù e b ô \ ( ù ! ) a s n 11 411.1(^ & DI:I-ENSI:!1Zla\l,l to,Vsr lvhcncler a onbal nrùârio. c\Nts at rhe end oi an) nro\cmcnrphâr.. borh rh\er\ allocaterhcir availrblecI.\ ro paricuLaraflncksor dcfensesby ap. p o r r i o n r n l l h e m k ' . . c o r n x t r e o l r h c \ e ( e n b oC \ eosù b a l t r t h c n r c nn\ed a.rdrdin! h rhele$ri[en in!rucrion\.

14, Atlmk & Defrnse

i sT2



sr 2 aG I aoN 3

sr I



tr 0 ac r (oN I


sT 2


ST !

coN I

coN 4

coN I ]]

t1 sT I AO0 coN I


I. SEQLI:NCEoF PLAI Afrcr.he 'esp.crivcGl&liârorLog sheerrolthe ftriiciFanrsh!ve bccn lilled out, phcc rhe sladiaro$ in the ùcnterùf lhe frâr uea, licing eâclrorh.r. and loùr he\esâtai. ThLg.mesnat no* beeir. 4.1 Thc gdmc is nlayùdi0 turrs. Eâch Nm È dilided inro eighr /r"seJ. Lr.h phascis compfisedofscvcral\r/, prdvrl or srqx shi.h sherhcra com. nr.y or nry nor bc nccessârv ro ren,lvedepcnd,ngon h a rs i r u a r i oenx i n r ,a n dt h c r y p e o l r o d b â r . 4.2 ÎU/lN PaOTiNo a.rurl srnint or âcrnnrkdoncd thisrmc, bur . & h p l a y c rm u n k c c pi n ù i n d I h ù h k g l a d i a r ohr t s r h eâ b i h r tI o \ à c ht ù r nd e p e n d i noSn r h cr y p e o v ei n o n l y a\ e r n u m b co. i p h a s . e ol slâdiaror/s.. 1.,r. If he uscsall ol hisp/rdr.movct beio'c the end o i r h e c u i r c n r r ! . rh, È o D p o n e m n ra r c n j ô ! r h c d b i l i r y l o m o L ù d u r i n rh€ finâl thare(t rhile hc doesnor Theitlinc, he shouldlccp rhe c o n c c parn dl i n r i r . r i o nosl a n c i g h r p h a sr e u n i n m i r r dR h l l c d c c i d i n e sherherhc shouldmovein cachrhr\e a\ rlrr rin. lù ploûin! cach niase s Ùrovefr.nrâii,v.s. 4 , 3 M O V L M E N î P I T A S L St ::a c h o i r h e e i B h t m o v c ' npehnârs r s o r a \onarùely bcforc pft).cedrngro rhe rurn are trrnlen rnd resôLved


sT-l ,\Cr coN 2



TR 3

sT 1 sT 1 ac 0 ac-l (Or! r (oN l wr0w9




ta 1UR,\ & PH,lSL Pl Oî REaOÂDr Thi\\r.rion n ùscdb re.ord t h cn o v c û r e norf r h e . s l a d i À rrourd b y ( u n . a n dp h . s cb y p h n s e .




sT 5 ^(i 2 coN t wt0

a EoDr'/1RFA OL,\Ds RtCOÂD: A separarerecordofinjuficr ( r o ù n d t { r r a i n e d b y c a c h b o d y a r ù i ! l o $ c d h è r e  ! i r o c c u I^h. e n ' â \ i û u ô n u m b e r o l * o ù n d r c a cahr c â . â nr b \ o r bi sc q ù â l t ol h e w là(ror dereflnincdâbove.Lll in (bt shadin! so ar k, iroù checI nrârksu\cdlarÈrrorÊcordr oùrdt all e!?.tr ri ?. /r/s/r.. ,r,,re.edl boxesit lhe (op halfoi crch areâbcforc rhc nan or rhe m a r . hT . h c b o r r o ùh a l t o f c a c hB o d y A r e â W o u n d sR c c o r d k brokcn dotrn inb lar8er boxescontainingnegativr nodifiù^ rhiùh lre ap'rliedrô lhe slddi!tor's CI:as injurlcsoccur/se€9.J//. 9 co)rrB/lT FACTOR: 1l\è orisinâlcl oirllcsladiaror ar rhc nan oi rhc mat.h n rc.ordedhcrc. As rhc -sladialoriake! damàecliom sôundsdurnrglhecoù6eoirhcgâne, his Cfnay bc fedu.edntr rh. durdhor ôr thê û!rch, and shen rhis occu6 rhe nclv CF rtal is eûrcredin thc nexropcn bot bÈneathlhe lrn .nrr!. l0 SIUNr When.vcrthe gLadiâror \uilc6 a trzpofar] los ol CFs d u or o s r ù ne r r e c t .r h € r o r . C l F sl ù r a r e e n r ! . chde r ea s a n u m b st o bc dcdùctedlrom rhecùiicnr CF fi8U.e(Djsplay9) r./oreâllôcarins cl5 ror rhat pha\es auacksand/or dchnse. 1l ÀEfFÂZZr $heî ensnared by a Rerariu\'net.tlr lolàl rcrnajn inr Cls benreallocar.dro â rcnrôvalâ(enpr^e? / ZJJ, dùi|s rhar phascarefc.ordcdhere.Ar rhcco.cltrsionol rhephaseit ischccked

4,3t PH.4SE Pl.O l STEPTEachpllyer * firesrhc nùrvcmenr.rdes lor his sladiarorfor rhc cùtrem phase.Êvcn il a lladiaktr cannol ùove in rhecùrrenrphasc,rheplnt.r shouldconc.alrhar la.t frô.] hh ôpponcntunril rhenekrslepby wri(ins.n,ve.r1 X t in rharpaF ricularphases.qion of Dnpla! l5 Thc playd cannorpld move rhent fof rhar pha\e if h. has alrcad) urcd all ol hÈ nxnemerr .âFabiliricrror rharrurn /!,: /6.r/ 4,32 MOvEME|il STEP: Each flarer rc!€ah hn cùiicnr phase oolemcnt ordc^, chccks for Srumblc-Fall ltone ru\ulrs ,t rpplicablc//4., J/, and nroveshn sladiakù in accdrdan.clnh ht orden lor rhar Dhase. 1.321 ttEAPO^/SHIELD REaOTZ?y: During rhe ûo\enenr ieF playr^ resolveany rccoveryâlrcnpr\ //r.dl./. 4,321,XICkINA: Duin! the movcnenr sleD plâven rcsolvcany k i c k i n sa r r e m p R //2.7, 1.31 COLLISION RESOLUll ON JÉP I i any ghd iato. c.d ttrc pre.cdinsiep in rhc samchex, rhccollirdr is no* re5olvcd. 4,34 RLCOVER| FROV SaLI: Àny gladiator sufiering Srun nerallieslrom a nrcviousDhasemry areùnl ro rcilove rho\c Stun

12 NEl /.o5:5r when enyrarcdby a R.rari!\' ncr, rhc cnrnared roarlac[, cyenil hc trceshinself dùring sladiatoris very vuLncrable thc sanrephaje h. ij en$ared fse. /7JJ1l. ln rreciis himlcli rhe glndiarormay harc ro eranrhn oppone.r bonùsdicc roll nrôdificâ r i o n sI o ù n ya t a c k sh cn r a k c s d u r i nr g h a tp h r r e .T h e à m o ù nor r r h s b o n u s( r c c o r d ehdc r eà n du D p l i c a brloc t h a r p h a s e o DA l yr.r h c c o n c l u l i o n o i r h ep h a s ci r n c h c c k e d o f f . l3 ,S,q/Ë/.DSt17L/s: Allsladiatorsexceprthe Rerânusvâfl câ.h mârch$i'h a lar8cor smâll\hieldar lull nrensrh.Etch plar-ernnrr chcckoncof rhcapplicablrcd€Côriù\ for htr Bladiarôrasdercdined prclioùny by rhe îrmor tâblcsf,,)ry/a/ 6lr L lor large,o. s for 1 û | T \ . . J . P ô r n ' " 1 ' d r ' l e F ôi b I r . l r \ e . é J r o r r r , L r r r c à dnltrenr shicldor discardin-q rh.ô.e hehrs !r al.rùrimc Shoùld ' l ' ; o c c u r ,h c m e r c l y e r a sreh\co l d È n ù y a n ic n r c 6r h cn c w . rd à r âi n

4.35 rvz r,{ t7,]C^5: ^ Rctarur ûrayre\nre ant ncr arrrckhe hâs d(cmpl.d durins rhe movcnrenrnh{se. 1.ln.O.\tBAI RI SOIL flo\ çir/P lrJn\elâdiJr'ri inr.'i ion ro arta!l an enemy,r€sôlvc(he âtrick(\) ùnn-qrh. ldlo*rn! proc€ { . 3 6 1 D c r c r n i n teh e r o t a l c F as r ! i l a b l eb c a c h e l a d i a l orro r . ! m b a r 4.162 ^ll$arc cFs lô. â1ra.kând defens0,by secrcrlymarklns lbc nonbcr of CFs&r bc usedror spe.ilicbod! areaarllck5 ânddefense on rhe Arack & DcfenieAllocârionDnpla).


4.!63 Det.rniæ ùe Altact Seou€næ.and r6olv. .àch anack in o.der- Thcr. ar€ fivc Dotenlialartact sub-ehses,cacbol{hich àre .6olv.d aæordin3ro lhe rùls of conbat. 4.!7 Mâ*.âny adjustnentson thc CladiatorLoe Sh.a næesrtated by the.esultsofconbal, Thc conbat phas.h nor ovcr. Rcturnto 4.ll un'ilotr.çideorthro'hcrhâ\b*ndet?âred.ndth.ssmeisôvcr. or ù.lasr eh6eoflhccurr€ turn iscoûÈlded; in shich cd. r.rum

B BACKWARDS fte el^ irror b.ckst.pson. hcx dirætly ro his reù, whilestiufaciryforwàrd,

SIL€sdiasonaly 5. F^C!NG5.1 The froni oiaslâdiarorcoù.t.rshowsihena.'s face.This fro.t hùst alwâys face â sinsle ,6id. of th€ occùpiêd her- nol a her corncr-If rhc facingof a gladiaro.coù cr h Mbtuous, th. coBæt lacingwill bc der.rmin.d by rhc oDposi.gplay.r. 5.2 Fo. conbat purpos.s,a sladislor'stio.t is defin.dâs thc ùrce hêics âdjâcên ro hb fronl hcxide non.inclusilcof the hcx he @cuDies. This fronta8c @r b. inc.!æd lor rh€ nuhi-hex ra.s.d *eaDons(nd & of th. Relanù, Tlr conbar front ol a lladiâtor is shownbelo*. Thc black shad.dhqes !.prese.lth. expandedcombat frotri of a R.târius am.d wnn a rridenl. The red shadedh.r* r€pr€snr th€ thræ her rangcola Rctariuswnn a nel, This fronraS€ diaSram .ould bc €rpand.d cven rùtth.r ro .ccommodarethrown v€aDonsud sni.ldslee 12.3).

SFN SIDESTEP FORWARD diaso.àlly fo.wsrd o.. hcx to

Th. glâôâror hov6 ehil. stilt faciB in his

SBL S'DESIEP BACKWARDS IEFL The sladiatof ûoves dia8onallybacksardsrc rhc l.ft, whilc slill facing in his orieiral

SÛRS,TDESTEP BACKWARDS R,lCttIr Th. slâdi.tor moves diason.llybackwaldto the rish, rhile still facins in hh

6. MOVEMENI_ 6.1 îURN PLOI: Ea.n ebdiator has his own novcmenr ratc, ex p.essed in r.rns of nùnber of phEs.sp.r rùrnnecannovedep.nde.t on sladiaror tlp€, rcorded in DisDlay 4. ^I the stad of ech turtr, .ach play.r mun dccidctùeparticùlarDhascsofùat tùrnin whichh€ ûill ,or nov€ and secr.tlysienily suchby fossio8 our the r.l.vanr phæ€borêsin Displây15. 6.2 PHASE PLOT: N rne slair ol .ach ne* phee, eachplrycr secr.tly !æords his nove lor th€ cunent phasein rh. app.opriare phasebox, ll the curenl phas. h goine1obe a non-movinspnase, €ch playcrshoulddo his b6t ro conc€lihit tacrirom his oDDon€nt and ra*e w.ùine phasenoven.nt a.ryay, Âll norcmenl of ficialabbreviarions ùd ar. classifi .d ascirhrsrdrr'drd

C Ct4iGÂ The sladillor advancêsdiredy forw.rd thræ h€r6. No sDdal aclions ar. allowdd in combinalioo with a chare. novc.

X P,4US,. Hold in plac *nhout movins or chànging facing. NOTE: Â Pa$. mole still cours .8linst à glrdiaror'3 mùnuo novcmcnr âllowanæ for th. lum bæalse sDæiâ$ can b. ùsed

6.21 Slaùdad ^crio s are tho$ abbrdi ions nol conlâir.d in pù.nih.s6, Only or. srûdùd acdon nay b€ plotl.d in a ph6., 6.22 Sre.tal aclionsale thos. abbreviations which ar. conBin.d id pàrenlhcsca, Any nuhber ofsp.cial adions may b. r.cordedand resolvcdin conbimlion wirh a sbndtrd actionalthoughrhde arcsme .rc€prions,Slandardandspæiâlactionsusedtoserh.rd. all pârrof th. sam. sinelephâs.movemcnt, 6.1 STANDARD ACTIONS: Thercar. teelvestandardmov.menl àclions t sl.dia.dr nly !*. Only one sredard acrion can bc uscdD{ phase.Eachsla.dâld moveând ns abbr.viarionwhichis usedlo rccordthe moleis illusrrâtedb.lôq. J FOR WARD:'1h. al^di^ror advanceson€ hq dirccdy lo his fro.t.

S SIUMTIE Tl'€sladiatornstp.rfomtbirstandardacrioniorh. nert novenenl plrâse(evcnifnol nornally câpabl.of i. that moveDenrDnde [4.2])rsaresuhoilnppins //r.r./in thccurrent oov.mcnt phsc. During a Srunbl. phæ, ù. Sladiaror Én{tr 'n hispr*nl n.x.ndlheonlysp.cial tclion n. mayperfom ùônclùm IiL) or (R)1.No specialactionsat all areallowcdirtheBladiarorhas alr.advexc€edcd his ndimum movmcnt allowanccfor th. cur..t rlrn (Ex.eprion: 16.1). ll rnc dadialor d@s ur. q (L) or (R) speiâl aclion in conjunctio. wnh his Stùnbl. nov., thâl Srunble mov. countsasainsthh maximummovcmcntallowancefo. thc lurn. A sruDblin8sl.diator nusr chæt iôr E falli.s prone/1r.J,/r.sùlt. e RECOI,ER WEAPON/SHIEaD: The sladiator is rstits vcry deliberat€cd. to recovc!a weapono! shieldfrôn his curienlly @cupied, or an adjÂeri' nd. Th. glâdiator is nol allowed àny spcci.lactiotuorhcrrhan rumins I(L), (R)1.


xN (|ltEZlNGr Thesladialorplacesa kneelingcoùnteronhrcur rentlyoccùpiedhexroindicatehh status.A kneelingsrandard nole cannotbcnade ûconjunction rith a (Q) sp(ial nove, and mustbe nadeb.ior.a pron€sladi.lor cân r€sainhis

devorehh cntireconcenrarionto êvoidi.B or bloclins il. No orher specialmovecanbeùsedin conjunctionrnh a (RN) move.

RO Roaar A rollmoveqn only beusedbya pron€Bladialor.Th. dirætion ofrhe roll (aorvârdrighi or left or backsardsriehl oi lefi) oun b.writt.n asRO FL. RO-FR.or RO-BL,RO-BR.Thedir€clion isnortobèconiusedwiihaturnSpeciâlnovewhichr.feBtoacha4c ofh€xsides,The only Specialmovewhichcan b. mad. in conbinadon *nh a ROstandardmov. is (Q).th.sladialor isstill considcred lob.inaproneposiliondùrinsandaftertheex€cutionorlhisholc,

(Xr) r(/C'lNCr The sladiator may atrenpr to kick any dtopped shieldor eeaponin his hexal rheræ ofexecutionaree /2.7,/a*ay froo ùs pres.nrlocation.The (Kr) spccialacùon .annor be usd in conjuncrionwirh any backsardsor knælins iandard aciion.Onlyoie(K4 sp